Privacy Policy

Cryptanica VPN Privacy Policy

Last modified: Feb 15, 2023

In the following policies, Cryptanica VPN is referred to as a service provided by IOTEX (company or we) through the Cryptanica network, the website and software provided by the website (the “Service”). This Privacy Policy describes

  • information we collect when you access our service and use it;
  • use of the information;
  • level of protection we provide for the protection of such data.

By going to Crypton. if you use this service, you agree to the terms of this privacy statement.


Our company is dedicated to protecting your personal data. It is the policy of the company to collect as few information as possible on the user, in the hope of providing the user with an anonymous and safe experience. Below is a summary of how we use information when you use the service.

Cryptanica VPN is a No-Logs VPN service

When you use the Service, we do NOT do any of the following:

  • log traffic of the users or content of any communications
  • Discrimination against the device, protocol,
  • application blocks your connection with the Internet

Data collection and its purpose

Personal data (related to your account):
Account creation

To create a new account, we don’t ask for your real name. You just have to choose your username and email address. You can also log in to your existing account on Cryptanica. You can also choose not to give your name later. We only use your name to call you in emails and accounts to make a better user experience.

We do store email addresses (or account Cryptanica) you entered when you created your account, for communication purposes and to prevent abuse. If you refer your friend or another third party to the service who is a participant in our Referral Program, we will associate your Account with the Referrer in order to properly credit the Referrer.

We also keep track of the devices used to access your account. This is done to look for unauthorized access or stolen accounts, and it can also help us track down users who publish their accounts or use them on more devices than are allowed.


We obtain the details you have decided to give us when filing a support ticket or bug report. Sometimes, a bug report comes from a third party.


You do not retain the complete data of your credit card because the company relies on third parties to execute transactions made using PayPal and credit cards. For instance, if you pay with a credit card, the corporation will store the invoice along with the card’s name and the last four digits. Donations and anonymous monetary payments in the form of Bitcoins are both accepted.

How we use your personal data

Your personal information is used by us primarily for account-related inquiries, communication, and recovery. You consent to receiving our communications, including marketing emails, by signing up for our service. Additionally, you have the choice to unsubscribe in the emails we have sent you. The dashboard allows you to log in and manage your email preferences, including the option to unsubscribe.

When you contact our support team, the information you submit is handled for analytics (such as to gather overall data on the number of Android complaints), but it is not merged with any personal data. We don’t profile customers or run any targeted advertising.

Data retention

In order to provide services, we keep necessary information (such login, email, and financial information) on active accounts. When your account is closed, this data is destroyed.

Non-personal data ( website and our native applications)

going to our website

We might use analytics tools that are installed locally. Only aggregated, non-identifying data, such as the title of the currently-viewed page, screen resolution, outbound links, referrers, and page and website speed, are collected by our analytics software. Since we do not log IP addresses and associate them with particular user accounts, this data cannot be utilized to individually identify users or visitors.

The reason we utilize analytics software

 In order to provide a greater level of service, that is why we employ analytics software. In order to determine which nations, have the greatest demand for the Service, for example, we can use the geographic distribution of the Service’s users as a whole to look at aggregate data. We can then allocate development resources to these regions in order to deliver the highest quality service possible. We can swiftly determine which nations have begun to block the Service by looking at longer-term patterns in the number of visitors from various nations, and then we can take action to overcome those restrictions.

When you visit our website, we might use a variety of cookies to gather and store information. The use of cookies can be managed by users at the browser level.

Utilizing our applications (apps)

In addition to the data indicated elsewhere in this Policy, we may also collect certain information when you use our native apps. To quickly fix bugs, we may communicate crash information to our developers using mobile analytics tools (Play/App Store app statistics or self-hosted/open-source Sentry crash reporting). The privacy policy and terms and conditions of some platforms (like the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store) may apply to the collection of aggregate, anonymous data on the most popular devices and operating systems (e.g., the percentage of Android 6.x vs. Android 7.x), the total number of installs, total number of uninstalls, and the total number of active users.

Websites run by third parties and the public knowledge

Blog and social media:

On our website, there is a public blog. Anyone may view, collect, and utilize any information you provide as a comment on our blog. Contact us here if any of your personal information that is on our blog needs to be deleted.

On Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, we are active. You do so at your own risk and without any assurance of privacy for any information, communication, or material that you transmit to us through social media platforms. We have no control over how other users of these platforms will behave or how the platforms will operate. The privacy policies of the firms that provide those products and platforms will control how you interact with them.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, we are not responsible for the content of any website that we link to, and external sites are governed by their own terms and conditions and privacy policies.

Data security

We are very serious about data security. Our infrastructure and Secure Core servers have strict access policies. The Cryptanica VPN servers are all encrypted, and we don’t record information about VPN sessions. Periodically storing offline backups is possible, but they are also protected.

Third Party Networks

The alternate routing method used by Cryptanica enables its apps to get beyond numerous censorship restrictions, however your network traffic may flow through unaffiliated third-party networks. Due to this, a third party may be able to view your IP address or learn that you are using Cryptanica apps (the same information that your Internet Service Provider is able to see). These third parties cannot see your actual data, which remains encrypted. Unless they notice that network censorship measures are in use, Cryptanica apps do not by default use alternative routing.

The disclosure of your information

Only where required by law and only for purposes of preventing, detecting, investigating, or prosecuting criminal offenses or carrying out criminal sentences, including defending against and preventing risks to public safety, will we divulge the minimal user data we have. Data demands from foreign authorities must be authorized by capable Estonian authorities.

Modifications to our Privacy Policy

The Company has the right to review and modify this Policy from time to time. Users who have enabled the notification preference will be notified of any changes. The use of the Service after such changes have been made will be considered acceptance.


Feel free to contact us via Contact us if you have any inquiries or issues about the data or your privacy.