Terms and Conditions of Service

Terms and Conditions of Service

Last modified: February 15, 2023

The following Terms and Conditions govern your use of this website and Cryptanica VPN, a service provided by Cryptanica (the “Company”). The “Service” refers to all current and upcoming features provided by your Cryptanica VPN account, both individually and collectively.

Users of the Service

Only those who are at least 13 years old, or children who have acquired agreement from their parents or legal guardians to open and maintain an account, are eligible to use this service.

This service is only available to people. Accounts created using “bots” or other automated processes are not permitted and will be deleted.

Every action a user takes in connection with the use of the Service is exclusively his or her responsibility.

Usage Policy and Prohibited Activities

Use of the Service is not permitted for acts that are against Estonian legislation. Regardless of the type of subscription, the Company imposes certain regulations to prevent its services from being exploited, misused, or used to cause harm to someone. You specifically agree not to use this Service for:

  • accessing, sharing, downloading, or uploading illicit content, such as, but not limited to, content that appears to be child porn;
  • Harassment, abuse, insults, injury, defamation, slander, disparagement, intimidation, or prejudice based on a person’s gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, race, age, national origin, or disability;
  • Using the service to send or distribute unsolicited emails, advertising, or other content (also known as “Spam”);
  • Attempting to connect to, explore, or access computing devices without the required authority (i.e., “hacking” in any sense);
  • Violating the rights to our or others’ intellectual property or infringing upon them
  • Encouraging criminal behavior or giving others the tools or assistance, they need to engage in illegal behavior through disseminating knowledge;

Any user discovered engaging in any of the aforementioned acts will have their account suspended immediately and without prior notice. You can also be held accountable for any and all losses suffered by the Company as a result of the violation(s), including without limitation any expenses and attorney fees that may have been assessed.

Multiple free accounts are not permitted when using the service. Additionally, only the actual users of free accounts are permitted to establish and manage them (i.e., it is not permitted to create accounts in someone else’s name and then transmit login information to that third party). Any free account that the Company deems to be abusive in that regard may be subject to action.

We have the right to remove or suspend accounts that have not been used for more than a year. Paid accounts that have an active paid status are exempt from this restriction.

Warranty and Liability Limitations

Despite its best efforts, the Company does not guarantee the security of user data or the dependability of the Service. You acknowledge that the Service is provided “as is” and agree not to hold the Company liable for any damages that may come from the loss of usage, data, or profits related to the performance of the Service or failure in such performance, nor to seek reimbursement from the Company.

Any data, material, services, or goods (including software) that you access, download, receive, or purchase while using the Service are not under the Company’s control or under their responsibility. Additionally, you agree not to hold the Company accountable or demand compensation in the event that confidential information is mistakenly made public due to a security flaw or vulnerability in the Service.

The Company will make every effort to keep the Service accessible at all times, but there may be variations in VPN service coverage, speeds, server locations, and quality. Data, messages, or page loss, non-delivery, delay, or misdirection as a result of problems with the Service or the operation of communications services or networks are not the Company’s responsibility. At our sole discretion, the Company may set use or service caps, suspend service, or restrict specific types of usage.

Links to other potentially useful websites may be found on the Cryptanica VPN website. External websites are subject to their own terms and conditions and privacy policies, and The Company is not liable for the content of any such websites.

The Service may be improved at any time without prior notice by the Company. Without giving a reason or prior warning, the Company may, in its sole discretion, terminate services.


You acknowledge and agree that the Company and any parents, subsidiaries, officers, employees, or third-party contractors are not liable for any claim, demand, or loss made by a third party due to your use of the Service, including any reasonable lawyers’ fees.


Policy on privacy

The Privacy Policy of Cryptanica VPN (https://cryptanica.com/privacy-policy/) describes how the company manages and safeguards your personal information and privacy regarding your use of the Service and your surfing of By Cryptanica.com. You accept our Privacy Policy in addition to the current Terms and Conditions in order to use the Service.

general payment terms

If a fraudulent payment is discovered, such as the use of a stolen credit card, the Company maintains the right to immediately stop providing service and may also send such situations to the appropriate authorities.


You consent to become a subscriber for the chosen duration by signing up for the Service (such as 1 month or 1 year). At the end of the billing term, all plans renew themselves automatically. By default, the renewal term is the same length as the initial subscription’s billing term.

The Company may suspend your account or remove it after a prolonged period of failure if you fail your financial duty as a user of a paid account.

Money-Back Assurance

Within 2 days following the initial purchase, you may terminate your account and receive a refund for any unused amount of the service period. The prorated remaining complete days of the subscription period are referred to as any unused portion of the service period in this case. Beyond the 2-day limit, refunds or credits will be taken into consideration, but only at the Service’s sole discretion. Refunds will be processed within 30 days of the request and will only be made in the original payment currency and using the original payment method Please use our support form to get in touch with us if you want to request a refund under our money-back guarantee. Only customers who signed up for Cryptanica VPN directly through the company’s website or the official Cryptanica Mail website are covered by this money-back guarantee condition (e.g. if you have subscribed to Cryptanica VPN through the intermediary of a third-party processor, please refer to its respective refund policy).

Relying on the dispute or chargeback procedures of third-party payment processors constitutes a waiver of the Company’s entitlement to the aforementioned return. Additionally, if the conclusion of the dispute or chargeback procedures necessitates that the Company pay something other than the service’s purchase price (such as a dispute fee) amount to your account, you authorize the Company to charge that amount to your account.

Upon request from the account holder, the Company may additionally, in its sole discretion, issue a prorated refund for service fees paid during the time the Service was unavailable or unusable. Refunds will be completed within 14 days of the request, and the Company is only required to do so in the original payment currency and using the original payment method.

Modifications to Terms of Service

The Company maintains the right to review and modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, subject to applicable legislation. These Terms and Conditions must be reviewed by you on a frequent basis. Your agreement to the modifications will be implied by your continued use of the Service after they are made.

The Company maintains the right to change the Service at any time and for any reason, including by adding or deleting specific VPN server functions or by updating the software.

Limited technical support, upgrades, and updates for the Service may be provided by the Company at its sole discretion. The Company may periodically automatically download and install updates and upgrades in order to improve and further develop the Service. As a user of the Service, you consent to receiving these updates and improvements. Under the terms of this Agreement, the Company shall not be required to offer support or maintenance for the Services.

Applicable Law

The substantive laws of Estonia shall in all respects govern these terms and conditions. The Estonian Court’s jurisdiction is explicitly reserved, and any conflict, claim, or dispute arising out of or related to the Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Estonia courts.